The Donation Process

Learn more about the the donation process from consenting and registration, to the process after passing.

The Process:

I’ve made my decision. What are my
next steps?

To give your consent, please complete TWO copies of the following consent form, according to your situation below:

1a. YOU are the donor

If you are completing a consent for yourself, complete the

and check the sections on all 3 pages. After signing both copies of the consent form, return one copy to UBC and deposit the other form with a close family member or your physician, who will be in a position to carry out your wishes at the appropriate time.


1b. SOMEONE ELSE is the donor

An executor or next of kin may complete and sign an executor form after the death of a potential donor, or on behalf of an individual who is unable to give consent.

If you are completing a consent for someone else, complete the

Please read and check the sections on all 3 pages. After signing both copies of the consent form, return one copy to UBC and keep one copy with you.

Do not complete both forms

It is recommended that you notify and discuss this decision with:

  • Your next of kin
  • Executor of your estate
  • Your physician.
  • Anyone else potentially involved in the donation process.

We understand conversations surrounding death and body donation can be challenging, but they shouldn’t be. Explaining your decision and why their support is important to you, and going through your concerns together, are important parts of the process.It is also important that you and your family make alternate arrangements in the event that your donation cannot be accepted.

The Process:

After I pass, what are the steps for my family?

As soon as possible after death has occurred, the executor, next of kin or health care professional must contact the UBC Body Donation Program at 604-822-2578.

Prolonged delay in notification can result in the decline of the donation. Please note that as a condition of acceptance to the program, we must receive the body within 72 hours of death.

If death occurs outside regular business hours (8am-4pm, Mon-Fri), please leave us a detailed message, then contact Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services at 604-857-5779.

After being notified of a death, our team undertakes the important step of determining the donor’s suitability by speaking with the donor’s physician. The decision of whether to accept the donation is made as soon as possible and the family or executor are notified.

Once a donor arrives at our facility, our team immediately begins preparing the body for future use – whether for anatomical study, surgical training, or medical research.

Once accepted, we will make all of the necessary arrangements and cover all costs for transport to UBC by our approved and licensed transport provider. If the body is not accepted into the donation program, it will be the responsibility of the executor or next of kin to proceed with your alternate arrangements.

Contact Tel: 604-822-2578
Fax: 604-827-4209

Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
2350 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z3