Olusegun (Segun) Oyedele
Professor of Teaching
UBC Instructor Network
BSc. (Biochemistry) University of Ibadan, Nigeria
MBChB (MD) Ogun State University, Nigeria
MSc (Anatomy) University of Ibadan, Nigeria
PhD (Developmental Biology) Witwatersrand University, South Africa.
Email: olusegun.oyedele@ubc.ca
Office: 250-807-8253
Medical education broadly, anatomical education more specifically. Use of technology in medical education and integration of radiology with anatomy education.
Please see media and other examples of Dr Oyedale’s teaching at the at ubco.tv/channel/here/592/ and clinicalanatomy.ca/radiology.html.
- Oyedele O, Kramer (2013) Nuanced but significant: how ethanol perturbs avian cranial neural crest cell actin cytoskeleton, migration and proliferation Alcohol 47(5): 417-426. FA [IF 2.26].
- Phukubye P. and Oyedele O*. (2011) The incidence and structure of the fabella in a South African cadaver. Clinical Anatomy 24:84-90. SA [IF 1.29].
Further publications can be found on ResearchGate and Google Scholar.
Oyedele and Green-Thompson L.: What happens to doctor-nursestereotypes when nurses teach medical students: a South African experience. 8th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, Singapore January 26 – February 1, 2011.Oyedele and B. Kramer: The Effect of Ethanol Exposure on Developing Embryos May Not Depend on Cranial Neural Crest Cell Migration: Evidence from Avian Morphologic and Morphometric Observations. XVII Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists, Cape Town, South Africa, August 16-19, 2009N Pather, O Oyedele and C Swart. Ocular and Periorbital Parameters for clinical Assessment: Establishing the Normal for Black and White South African Children. XVII Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists, Cape Town, South Africa, August 16-19, 2009
- 127th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists: Experimental Biology 2015, Boston Massachusetts, March 28 – April 1, 2015. Olusegun Oyedele*. Perceiveds relevance of anatomy to clerkship: opinions of an inaugural class of final year MD undergraduate students.
- 126th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists: Experimental Biology 2014, San Diego, California, April 26-30, 2014. Olusegun Oyedele. Anatomy education in a new distributed MD program – prospects and challenges.
- 125th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists: Experimental Biology 2013, Boston Massachusetts, April 20 – 24, 2013. Claudia Krebs, Olusegun Oyedele, Monika Fejtek and Stefano The development of a web-based interactive tool to complement anatomy and radiology teaching and learning.