2022 Overview


$ 9,033,943.93
Competitive Funding Received


Major Award Received:
UBC Killam Teaching Prize 2021/22 – Dr. Kurt Haas
Other Awards, Research Grants and Funding Received
- AccelNet International Network for Biologically-Inspired Computing (IN-BIC)
- Alzheimer’s Society Research Program. Proof of Concept Grant
- American Association for Anatomy Innovations Grant
- Brain Canada Grant
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) - John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) Grant
- Canadian Association of Medical Education Grant
- Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI) Impact Grant
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Grant
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Foundation Grant
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) New Investigator Award
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Sex and Gender Science Chair in Genetics
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Team Grant
- Carnegie-Wits Visiting Fellowship 2022
- CIHR-JDRF Team Grant – 100th Anniversary of Insulin
- Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) Grant
- CoVARR-Net Fund
- DCAN Operating Grant
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Fund
- DFP Top Scholar Day Presentation Award
- Diabetes Canada Grant
- Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health Grant
- Genome BC Grant
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grant
- International Spinal Research Trust Grant
- JDRF – Centre of Excellence
- Lustgarten Foundation Grant
- Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Scholar Award
- Mike & Valeria Rosenbloom Foundation Research Award
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Alliance Grant
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Create Grant
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Operating Grant
- NIH /NINDS – Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant
- NSERC-MITACS partnered Alliance Grant
- NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant
- Philanthropy Grant
- PTEN Research Foundation Grant
- Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada Grant
- Simon Foundation Autism Research Initiative
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Grant
- Stem Cell Network Award
- SYNGAP1 Research Foundation/ Rare Disease Network Grant
- Terry Fox Research Institute Grant
- The Kavli Foundation/ Neurodata Without Borders Seed Grant
- UBC AMS OER Collection Challenge
- UBC Faculty of Dentistry Teaching Excellence Award
- UBC Faculty of Medicine Strategic Investment Fund (SIF)
- UBC Medical Undergraduate Society Teaching Award
- UBC President’s Office Grant
- UBC Science Co-op Supervisor Recognition Award
- UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF)
- UBC VPIR Research Facility Support Grants
- US Department of Defense Grant
- US DoD-TRA-EA Fund
- US NIH Fund
- Wings for Life Fund
Accili, Eric
Ng, L. C. T., Li, Y. X., Van Petegem, F., & Accili, E. A. (2022). Altered cyclic nucleotide binding and pore opening in a diseased human HCN4 channel. Biophysical Journal, 121(7), 1166–1183.
Accili, E. (2022). When is a potassium channel not a potassium channel? Function, 3(6).
Allan, Douglas
Vuilleumier, R., Miao, M., Medina-Giro, S., Ell, C.-M., Flibotte, S., Lian, T., Kauwe, G., Collins, A., Ly, S., Pyrowolakis, G., Haghighi, A. P., & Allan, D. W. (2022). Dichotomous cis-regulatory motifs mediate the maturation of the neuromuscular junction by retrograde BMP signaling. Nucleic Acids Research, 50(17), 9748–9764.
Kirby, M. P., Stevenson, C., Worrall, L. J., Chen, Y., Young, C., Youm, J., Strynadka, N. C. J., Allan, D. W., & Jan, E. (2022). The hinge region of the Israeli acute paralysis virus internal ribosome entry site directs ribosomal positioning, translational activity, and virus infection. Journal of Virology, 96(5).
Bamji, Shernaz
Nasseri, G., Matin, N., Tosefsky, K., Stacey, G., Flibotte, S., Hollman, R., Wild, A. R., Foster, L. J., & Bamji, S. X. (2021). Synaptic activity-dependent changes in the hippocampal palmitoylome. BioRxiv.
Wild, A. R., Hogg, P. W., Flibotte, S., Nasseri, G. G., Hollman, R. B., Abazari, D., Haas, K., & Bamji, S. X. (2022). Exploring the expression patterns of palmitoylating and de-palmitoylating enzymes in the mouse brain using the curated RNA-seq database BrainPalmSeq. eLife, 11.
Dhume, S. H., Connor, S. A., Mills, F., Tari, P. K., Au-Yeung, S. H., Karimi, B., Oku, S., Roppongi, R. T., Kawabe, H., Bamji, S. X., Wang, Y. T., Brose, N., Jackson, M. F., Craig, A. M., & Siddiqui, T. J. (2022). Distinct but overlapping roles of LRRTM1 and LRRTM2 in developing and mature hippocampal circuits. eLife, 11.
Cembrowski, Mark
O’Leary, T. P., Kendrick, R. M., Bristow, B. N., Sullivan, K. E., Wang, L., Clements, J., Lemire, A. L., & Cembrowski, M. S. (2022). Neuronal cell types, projections, and spatial organization of the central amygdala. iScience, 25(12), 105497.
Sullivan, K. E., Kraus, L., Wang, L., Stach, T. R., Lemire, A., Clements, J., & Cembrowski, M. (2022a). Sharp cell-type-identity changes differentiate the retrosplenial cortex from the neocortex. bioRxiv.
Haas, Kurt
Hogg, P. W., Coleman, P., Dellazizzo Toth, T., & Haas, K. (2022). Quantifying neuronal structural changes over time using dynamic morphometrics. Trends in Neurosciences, 45(2), 106–119.
Hogg, P. W., & Haas, K. (2021). Bulk dye loading for in vivo calcium imaging of visual responses in populations of xenopus tectal neurons. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2022(1), pdb.prot106831.
Wild, A. R., Hogg, P. W., Flibotte, S., Nasseri, G. G., Hollman, R. B., Abazari, D., Haas, K., & Bamji, S. X. (2022). Exploring the expression patterns of palmitoylating and de-palmitoylating enzymes in the mouse brain using the curated RNA-seq database BrainPalmSeq. eLife, 11.
Guerrier, C., Dellazizzo Toth, T., Galtier, N., & Haas, K. (2022). An algorithm based on a cable-nernst planck model predicting synaptic activity throughout the dendritic arbor with micron specificity. Neuroinformatics, 21(1), 207–220.
Johnson, James
Ludwig, D. S., Apovian, C. M., Aronne, L. J., Astrup, A., Cantley, L. C., Ebbeling, C. B., Heymsfield, S. B., Johnson, J. D., King, J. C., Krauss, R. M., Taubes, G., Volek, J. S., Westman, E. C., Willett, W. C., Yancy, W. S., Jr., & Friedman, M. I. (2022). Competing paradigms of obesity pathogenesis: Energy balance versus carbohydrate-insulin models. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 76(9), 1209–1221.
Skovsø, S., Overby, P., Memar-Zadeh, J., Lee, J. T. C., Yang, J. C. C., Shanina, I., Sidarala, V., Levi-D’Ancona, E., Zhu, J., Soleimanpour, S. A., Horwitz, M. S., & Johnson, J. D. (2022). β-Cell Cre Expression and Reduced Ins1 Gene Dosage Protect Mice From Type 1 Diabetes. Endocrinology, 163(11).
Modi, H., Chu, J., Skovsø, S., Ellis, C., Krentz, N. A. J., Zhao, Y., Cen, H. H., Noursadeghi, N., Panzhinskiy, E., Hu, X., Dionne, D. A., Xuan, S., Kieffer, T. J., Lynn, F. C., & Johnson, J. (2020b). Ins2 Gene Bursting Activity Defines a Mature β-Cell State. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 44(7), S31.
Lee, C. S., Zhai, Y., Shang, R., Wong, T., Mattison, A. J., Cen, H. H., Johnson, J. D., Vlodavsky, I., Hussein, B., & Rodrigues, B. (2022). Flow‐Induced secretion of endothelial heparanase regulates cardiac lipoprotein lipase and changes following diabetes. Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(23).
Stokes, T., Cen, H. H., Kapranov, P., Gallagher, I. J., Pitsillides, A. A., Volmar, C., Kraus, W. E., Johnson, J. D., Phillips, S. M., Wahlestedt, C., & Timmons, J. A. (2022). Transcriptomics for clinical and experimental biology research: Hang on a seq. Advanced Genetics, 4(2).
Postić, S., Sarikas, S., Pfabe, J., Pohorec, V., Križančić Bombek, L., Sluga, N., Skelin Klemen, M., Dolenšek, J., Korošak, D., Stožer, A., Evans-Molina, C., Johnson, J. D., & Slak Rupnik, M. (2023). High-resolution analysis of the cytosolic Ca2+ events in β cell collectives in situ. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 324(1), E42–E55.
Skovsø, S., Overby, P., Memar-Zadeh, J., Lee, J. T. C., Yang, J. C. C., Shanina, I., Sidarala, V., Levi-D’Ancona, E., Zhu, J., Soleimanpour, S. A., Horwitz, M. S., & Johnson, J. D. (2022). Beta-cell Cre expression and reduced Ins1 gene dosage protect mice from type 1 diabetes. BioRxiv.
Jevon, D., Moon, K.-M., Foster, L. J., & Johnson, J. D. (2022). Identification of unusually disulphide-bonded insulin forms using mass spectrometry and thermolysin cleavage. BioRxiv.
Zhang, A. M. Y., Xia, Y. H., Lin, J. S. H., Chu, K. H., Wang, W. C. K., Ruiter, T. J. J., Yang, J. C. C., Chen, N., Chhuor, J., Patil, S., Cen, H. H., Rideout, E. J., Richard, V. R., Schaeffer, D. F., Zahedi, R. P., Borchers, C. H., Johnson, J. D., & Kopp, J. L. (2022). Hyperinsulinemia acts via acinar insulin receptors to drive obesity-associated pancreatic cancer initiation by promoting digestive enzyme production and inflammation. BioRxiv.
Brownrigg, G. P., Xia, Y. H., Chu, C. M. J., Wang, S., Chao, C., Zhang, J. A., Skovsø, S., Panzhinskiy, E., Hu, X., Johnson, J. D., & Rideout, E. J. (2022). Sex differences in islet stress responses support female beta cell resilience. BioRxiv.
Leung, C. L. K., Karunakaran, S., Atser, M. G., Innala, L., Hu, X., Viau, V., Johnson, J. D., & Clee, S. M. (2022). Analysis of a genetic region affecting mouse body weight. BioRxiv.
Kieffer, Tim
Chu, C. M. J., Modi, H., Ellis, C., Krentz, N. A. J., Skovsø, S., Zhao, Y. B., Cen, H., N, N., Panzhinskiy, E., Hu, X., Dionne, D. A., Xia, Y. H., Xuan, S., Huising, M. O., Kieffer, T. J., Lynn, F. C., & Johnson, J. D. (2022). Dynamic Ins2 gene activity defines β-cell maturity states. American Diabetes Association.
Ramzy, A., Belmonte, P. J., Braam, M. J. S., Ida, S., Wilts, E. M., Levings, M. K., Rezania, A., & Kieffer, T. J. (2022). A century-long journey from the discovery of insulin to the implantation of stem cell–derived islets. Endocrine Reviews, 44(2), 222–253.
Ramzy, A., Edeer, N., Baker, R. K., O’Dwyer, S., Mojibian, M., Verchere, C. B., & Kieffer, T. J. (2022). Insulin Null β-cells Have a Prohormone Processing Defect That Is Not Reversed by AAV Rescue of Proinsulin Expression. Endocrinology, 163(6).
Timothy J. Kieffer. (2022). Cell Reports Medicine, 3(4), 100592.
Kopp, Janel
Zhang, A. M. Y., Chu, K. H., Daly, B. F., Ruiter, T., Dou, Y., Yang, J. C. C., de Winter, T. J. J., Chhuor, J., Wang, S., Flibotte, S., Zhao, Y. B., Hu, X., Li, H., Rideout, E. J., Schaeffer, D. F., Johnson, J. D., & Kopp, J. L. (2022). Effects of hyperinsulinemia on pancreatic cancer development and the immune microenvironment revealed through single-cell transcriptomics. Cancer & Metabolism, 10(1).
Patil, S., Dou, Y., & Kopp, J. L. (2021). Cell type of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma origin: Implications for prognosis and clinical outcomes. Visceral Medicine, 38(1), 4–10.
Zhang, A. M. Y., Xia, Y. H., Lin, J. S. H., Chu, K. H., Wang, W. C. K., Ruiter, T. J. J., Yang, J. C. C., Chen, N., Chhuor, J., Patil, S., Cen, H. H., Rideout, E. J., Richard, V. R., Schaeffer, D. F., Zahedi, R. P., Borchers, C. H., Johnson, J. D., & Kopp, J. L. (2022b). Hyperinsulinemia acts via acinar insulin receptors to drive obesity-associated pancreatic cancer initiation by promoting digestive enzyme production and inflammation. BioRxiv.
Tixi, W., Maldonado, M., Chang, Y.-T., Chiu, A., Yeung, W., Parveen, N., Nelson, M., Hart, R., Wang, S., Hsu, W. J., Fueger, P., Kopp, J. L., Huising, M. O., Dhawan, S., & Shih, H.-P. (2022). Coordination between ECM and cell-cell adhesion regulates the development of islet aggregation, architecture, and functional maturation. BioRxiv.
Loewen, Christopher
Persaud, R., Li, S. C., Chao, J. D., Forestieri, R., Donohue, E., Balgi, A. D., Zheng, X., Chao, J. T., Yashiroda, Y., Yoshimura, M., Loewen, C. J. R., Gingras, A.-C., Boone, C., Av-Gay, Y., Roberge, M., & Andersen, R. J. (2022). Clionamines stimulate autophagy, inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival in macrophages, and target Pik1. Cell Chemical Biology, 29(5), 870-882.e11.
Moukhles, Hakima
Noël, G., Tham, D. K. L., Guadagno, E., MacVicar, B., & Moukhles, H. (2020). The laminin-induced phosphorylation of pkcδ regulates AQP4 distribution and water permeability in rat astrocytes. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 41(8), 1743–1757.
Nabi, Robert
Saberian, M., Moriarty, K., Olmstead, A., Hallgrimson, C., Jean, F., Nabi, I. R., Libbrecht, M. W., & Hamarneh, G. (2022). DEEMD: Drug Efficacy Estimation against SARS-CoV-2 based on cell Morphology with Deep multiple instance learning. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Shapira, T., Monreal, I. A., Dion, S. P., Buchholz, D. W., Imbiakha, B., Olmstead, A. D., Jager, M., Désilets, A., Gao, G., Martins, M., Vandal, T., Thompson, C. A. H., Chin, A., Rees, W. D., Steiner, T., Nabi, I. R., Marsault, E., Sahler, J., Diel, D. G., … Jean, F. (2022). A TMPRSS2 inhibitor acts as a pan-SARS-CoV-2 prophylactic and therapeutic. Nature, 605(7909), 340–348.
Alan, P., Vandevoorde, K. R., Joshi, B., Cardoen, B., Gao, G., Mohammadzadeh, Y., Hamarneh, G., & Nabi, I. R. (2022). Basal Gp78-dependent mitophagy promotes mitochondrial health and limits mitochondrial ROS. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 79(11).
Cardoen, B., Wong, T., Alan, P., Lee, S., Matsubara, J. A., Nabi, I. R., & Hamarneh, G. (2022c). SPECHT: Self-tuning Plausibility based object detection Enables quantification of Conflict in Heterogeneous multi-scale microscopy. PLOS ONE, 17(12).
Cardoen, B., Vandevoorde, K., Gao, G., Alan, P., Liu, W., Tiliakou, E., Vogl, A. W., Hamarneh, G., & Nabi, I. R. (2022). Membrane contact site detection (MCS-DETECT) reveals dual control of rough mitochondria-ER contacts. BioRxiv.
O’Connor, Timothy
Vaikakkara Chithran, A., Allan, D. W., & O’Connor, T. P. (2022b). Adult expression of semaphorins and plexins is essential for motoneuron survival. BioRxiv.
Rideout, Elizabeth
Millington, J. W., Biswas, P., Chao, C., Xia, Y. H., Wat, L. W., Brownrigg, G. P., Sun, Z., Basner-Collins, P. J., Klein Geltink, R. I., & Rideout, E. J. (2022). A low-sugar diet enhancesDrosophilabody size in males and females via sex-specific mechanisms. Development, 149(6).
Skovsø, S., Panzhinskiy, E., Kolic, J., Cen, H. H., Dionne, D. A., Dai, X.-Q., Sharma, R. B., Elghazi, L., Ellis, C. E., Faulkner, K., Marcil, S. A. M., Overby, P., Noursadeghi, N., Hutchinson, D., Hu, X., Li, H., Modi, H., Wildi, J. S., Botezelli, J. D., … Johnson, J. D. (2022). Beta-cell specific Insr deletion promotes insulin hypersecretion and improves glucose tolerance prior to global insulin resistance. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1–22.
Zhang, A. M. Y., Chu, K. H., Daly, B. F., Ruiter, T., Dou, Y., Yang, J. C. C., de Winter, T. J. J., Chhuor, J., Wang, S., Flibotte, S., Zhao, Y. B., Hu, X., Li, H., Rideout, E. J., Schaeffer, D. F., Johnson, J. D., & Kopp, J. L. (2022). Effects of hyperinsulinemia on pancreatic cancer development and the immune microenvironment revealed through single-cell transcriptomics. Cancer & Metabolism, 10(1).
Rideout, E.J. & Tennessen, J.M. (2022) Special Issue: Metabolism in time and space. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology.
Brownrigg, G. P., Xia, Y. H., Chu, C. M. J., Wang, S., Chao, C., Zhang, J. A., Skovsø, S., Panzhinskiy, E., Hu, X., Johnson, J. D., & Rideout, E. J. (2022). Sex differences in islet stress responses support female beta cell resilience. BioRxiv.
Zhang, A. M. Y., Chu, K. H., Daly, B. F., Ruiter, T., Dou, Y., Yang, J. C. C., de Winter, T. J. J., Chhuor, J., Wang, S., Flibotte, S., Zhao, Y. B., Hu, X., Li, H., Rideout, E. J., Schaeffer, D. F., Johnson, J. D., & Kopp, J. L. (2022c). Effects of hyperinsulinemia on pancreatic cancer development and the immune microenvironment revealed through single-cell transcriptomics. Cancer & Metabolism, 10(1).
Chao, C. F., Pesch, Y.-Y., Yu, H., Wang, C., Aristizabal, M., Huan, T., Tanentzapf, G., & Rideout, E. J. (2022). An important role for triglyceride in regulating spermatogenesis. BioRxiv.
Roskelley, Calvin
Canals Hernaez, D., Hughes, M. R., Li, Y., Mainero Rocca, I., Dean, P., Brassard, J., Bell, E. M., Samudio, I., Mes-Masson, A.-M., Narimatsu, Y., Clausen, H., Blixt, O., Roskelley, C. D., & McNagny, K. M. (2022). Targeting a tumor-specific epitope on podocalyxin increases survival in human tumor preclinical models. Frontiers in Oncology, 12.
Bell, E. M., Graves, M. L., Dean, P. M., Goodman, T. O., & Roskelley, C. D. (2022). Modeling collective invasion and single-cell mesenchymal invasion in three-dimensional matrigel–collagen I cultures. In Methods in Molecular Biology (pp. 79–99). Springer US.
Santos, M., Ferreira, M., Oliveira, P., Mendes, N., André, A., Vieira, A. F., Nunes, J. B., Carvalho, J., Rocha, S., Azevedo, M., Ferreira, D., Reis, I., Vinagre, J., Paredes, J., Heravi-Moussavi, A., Lima, J., Máximo, V., Burleigh, A., Roskelley, C., … Oliveira, C. (2022). Epithelial-Mesenchymal plasticity induced by discontinuous exposure to tgfβ1 promotes tumour growth. Biology, 11(7), 1046.
De Silva, E., Devine, D. V., Jan, E., Roskelley, C. D., & Kim, H. (2022). Filamin A regulates caspase-3 cleavage in platelets in a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent manner. Biochemical Journal, 479(22), 2351–2364.
Brassard, J., Hughes, M. R., Roskelley, C. D., & McNagny, K. M. (2022). Antibody-Drug conjugates targeting tumor-specific mucin glycoepitopes. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, 27(11), 301.
Tanentzapf, Guy
Pesch, Y.-Y., Dang, V., Fairchild, M. J., Islam, F., Camp, D., Kaur, P., Smendziuk, C. M., Messenberg, A., Carr, R., McFarlane, C. R., Musso, P.-Y., Van Petegem, F., & Tanentzapf, G. (2022). Gap junctions mediate discrete regulatory steps during fly spermatogenesis. PLOS Genetics, 18(9), e1010417.
Underhill, Michael
Krawetz, R. J., Abubacker, S., Leonard, C., Masson, A. O., Shah, S., Narendran, N., Tailor, P., Regmi, S. C., Labit, E., Ninkovic, N., Corpuz, J. M., Ito, K., Underhill, T. M., Salo, P. T., Schmidt, T. A., & Biernaskie, J. A. (2022). Proteoglycan 4 (PRG4) treatment enhances wound closure and tissue regeneration. Npj Regenerative Medicine, 7(1).
Mudigonda, S., Shah, S., Das, N., Corpuz, J. M., Ninkovic, N., Al-Jezani, N., Underhill, T. M., Salo, P. T., Mitha, A. P., Lyons, F. G., Cho, R., Schmidt, T. A., Dufour, A., & Krawetz, R. J. (2022). Proteoglycan 4 is present within the dura mater and produced by mesenchymal progenitor cells. Cell and Tissue Research, 389(3), 483–499.
Shah, S., Mudigonda, S., Underhill, T. M., Salo, P. T., Mitha, A. P., & Krawetz, R. J. (2022). Prx1 + and hic1+ mesenchymal progenitors are present within the epidural fat and dura mater and participate in dural injury repair. Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 11(2), 200–212.
Arostegui, M., Scott, R. W., Böse, K., & Underhill, T. M. (2022). Cellular taxonomy of Hic1+ mesenchymal progenitor derivatives in the limb: From embryo to adult. Nature Communications, 13(1).
Viau, Victor
Goel, N., Philippe, T. J., Chang, J., Koblanski, M. E., & Viau, V. (2022). Cellular and serotonergic correlates of habituated neuroendocrine responses in male and female rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 136, 105599.
Philippe, T. J., Bao, L., Koblanski, M. E., & Viau, V. (2022). Sex differences in serotonin 5-HT 1A receptor responses to repeated restraint stress in adult male and female rats. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 25(10), 863–876.
Toews, J. N. C., Philippe, T. J., Hill, L. A., Dordevic, M., Miguelez-Crespo, A., Homer, N. Z. M., Nixon, M., Hammond, G. L., & Viau, V. (2022). Corticosteroid-binding globulin (SERPINA6) establishes postpubertal sex differences in rat adrenal development. Endocrinology, 163(11).
Johnson, S. B., Lingg, R. T., Skog, T. D., Hinz, D. C., Romig-Martin, S. A., Viau, V., Narayanan, N. S., & Radley, J. J. (2022). Activity in a prefrontal-periaqueductal gray circuit overcomes behavioral and endocrine features of the passive coping stress response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44).
Vogl, Wayne
Gil, K. N., Vogl, A. W., & Shadwick, R. E. (2022). Anatomical mechanism for protecting the airway in the largest animals on earth. Current Biology, 32(4), 898-903.e1.
Lillie, M. A., Vogl, A. W., Gerard, S. G., Raverty, S., & Shadwick, R. E. (2022). Retia mirabilia: Protecting the cetacean brain from locomotion-generated blood pressure pulses. Science, 377(6613), 1452–1456.
Nourbakhsh, H., Adams, A., Raverty, S., Vogl, A. W., Haulena, M., & Skoretz, S. A. (2022). Microscopic anatomy of the upper aerodigestive tract in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina): Functional adaptations to swallowing. The Anatomical Record, 306(5), 947–959.
West, Christopher
Fossey, M. P. M., Balthazaar, S. J. T., Squair, J. W., Williams, A. M., Poormasjedi-Meibod, M.-S., Nightingale, T. E., Erskine, E., Hayes, B., Ahmadian, M., Jackson, G. S., Hunter, D. V., Currie, K. D., Tsang, T. S. M., Walter, M., Little, J. P., Ramer, M. S., Krassioukov, A. V., & West, C. R. (2022). Spinal cord injury impairs cardiac function due to impaired bulbospinal sympathetic control. Nature Communications, 13(1).
Turner, C. T., Pawluk, M., Bolsoni, J., Zeglinski, M. R., Shen, Y., Zhao, H., Ponomarev, T., Richardson, K. C., West, C. R., Papp, A., & Granville, D. J. (2022). Sulfaphenazole reduces thermal and pressure injury severity through rapid restoration of tissue perfusion. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
Balthazaar, S. J. T., Nightingale, T. E., Currie, K. D., West, C. R., Tsang, T. S. M., Walter, M., & Krassioukov, A. V. (2022). Temporal changes of cardiac structure, function, and mechanics during sub-acute cervical and thoracolumbar spinal cord injury in humans: A case-series. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9.
Gee, C. M., Williams, A. M., Peters, C. M., Eves, N. D., Sheel, A. W., & West, C. R. (2022). Influence of respiratory loading on left‐ventricular function in cervical spinal cord injury. The Journal of Physiology, 600(18), 4105–4118.
Ahmadian, M., Williams, A. M., Mannozzi, J., Konecny, F., Hoiland, R. L., Wainman, L., Erskine, E., Duffy, J., Manouchehri, N., So, K., Tauh, K., Sala‐Mercado, J. A., Shortt, K., Fisk, S., Kim, K., Streijger, F., Foster, G. E., Kwon, B. K., O’Leary, D. S., & West, C. R. (2022). A cross‐species validation of single‐beat metrics of cardiac contractility. The Journal of Physiology, 600(22), 4779–4806.