2023 Overview


Competitive Funding Received


Major Award Received:
- Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award, Advancement of Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness – Dr. Olusegun Oyedele
- Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Achievement Award, Overall Excellence – Senior Faculty – Dr. Claudia Krebs
Other Awards, Research Grants and Funding Received
- AccelNet International Network for Biologically-Inspired Computing (IN-BIC)
- Alzheimer’s Society Research Program. Proof of Concept Grant
- American Association for Anatomy Innovations Grant
- B.C. Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF)
- Canada Biomedical Research Fund – CIBH
- Canada Biomedical Research Fund and Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund (CBRF-BRIF)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) – Exceptional Opportunities Fund
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) – John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) Grant
- Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI) – Impact Grant
- Canadian Institutes for Health Research Operating Grant
- Canadian Institutes for Health Sciences (CHIR) – Foundation Grant
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Grant
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – New Investigator Award
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) – Project Grant
- Craig Neilsen Foundation Grant
- Defense Advances Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Fund
- Diabetes Canada Grant
- DMCBH Alzheimer’s Disease Kickstart Grant
- DMCBH Alzheimer’s Research Grant
- DMCBH Kickstart Grant
- French National Grant Agency ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) Fund
- International Spinal Research Trust Grant
- JDRF – Centre of Excellence
- Lustgarten Foundation Grant
- Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar Award
- Mike & Valeria Rosenbloom Foundation Research Award
- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) – Discovery Operating Grant
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) – Discovery Grant
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) – Research Tools and Instruments Grant
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) – Alliance Grant
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) – Create Grant
- NIH/NINDS – Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant
- NSERC – MITACS partnered Alliance Grant
- Philanthropic Grant through Development Office
- PTEN Research Foundation Grant
- Rare Disease Models and Mechanism Network Grant
- Rick Hansen Foundation Grant
- Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada Grant
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Grant
- Stem Cell Network Award
- SYNGAP1 Research Foundation/Rare Disease Network Grant
- Team Grants – 100th Anniversary of Insulin Grant
- Terry Fox Research Institute Grant
- The Kavli Foundation/Neurodata Without Borders Seed Grant
- UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF)
- US Department of Defense Grant
- US DoD-TRA-EA Fund
- US NIH Fund
- Wings for Life Fund
Allan, Douglas
Chithran AV, Allan DW, O’Connor TP. (2023). Adult expression of semaphorins and plexins is essential for motoneuron survival. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 5894
Gibson WT, Cyrus SS, Medina Giró S, Lian T, Allan DW. (2023). Cohen-Gibson syndrome variant functionalization in Drosophila: insights for PRC2 complex syndromes. XXIIIrd International Congress of Genetics. Melbourne, Australia
Gibson WT, Cyrus SS, Medina Gíro S, Lian T, Allan DW. (2023). Cohen-Gibson Syndrome EED Variation: Voulez vous essayer les VoUS avec nous? Canadian College of Medical Geneticists Annual Scientific Meeting, Kingston, Canada
Medina-Giro S, Liu J, Das M, Rogic S, Chen E, McIntosh G, Liston JB, Bains S, Misra T, MacDonald L, Wang B, Tam K, Ganguly P, Chao J, Pavlidis P, Loewen JR, Allan DW. (2023). ASD variant prospecting in Drosophila with clinical predictive value. Simon’s Foundation for Autism Research Initiative Annual Meeting. New York. USA
Cooper A, Richardson B, Ramirez-Moreno M, Devitt G, Zhang Y, Skoulakis EMC, Allan DW, Mudher A. (2023). The relative contribution of phosphorylation and aggregation to Tau-mediated toxicity. Eurotau. Lille, France
Medina Giró S, Cyrus SS, Lian T, Gibson WT, Allan DW. (2023). Clinical interpretation of rare PRC2 human variants in Drosophila. Canfly Halifax
Bamji, Shernaz
Abazari D, Wild AR, Qiu T, Dickinson BC, Bamji SX. (2023). Activity-dependent post-translational regulation of palmitoylating and depalmitoylating enzymes in the hippocampus. J Cell Sci. 2023 Apr 1;136(7):jcs260629.
Wild AR, Hogg PW, Flibotte S, Kochhar S, Hollman RB, Haas K, Bamji SX. (2023). CellPalmSeq: A curated RNAseq database of palmitoylating and de-palmitoylating enzyme expression in human cell types and laboratory cell lines. Front Physiol. 2023 Jan 24;14:1110550.
Hollman RB, Wild AR, O’Leary TP, Thompson AJ, Flibotte S, Poblete TO, Peng A, Rogalski JC, Gill G, Bamji SX. (2023). The X-Linked Intellectual Disability gene, ZDHHC9, is important for oligodendrocyte maturation and myelin formation. bioRxiv 2023.08.08.552342; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.08.552342 (In Revision, Cell Reports)
Cembrowski, Mark
Sullivan KE*, Kraus L*, Kapustina M#, Wang L, Stach T, Lemire AL, Clements J, Cembrowski MS§. (2023). Sharp cell-type-identity changes differentiate the retrosplenial cortex from the neocortex. Cell Reports, 6;42(3): 2023. [IF 10.0].
Guskjolen A*, Cembrowski MS§. (2023). Engram neurons: encoding, consolidation, retrieval, and forgetting of memory. Molecular Psychiatry, 28:3207–3219, 2023. [IF: 16.0, N=2]
Zhang AA#, Tsai JYJ#, Sullivan KE*, Kraus L*, Erwin SR*, Bristow BN*, Wang L, Stach TR, Lemire AL, Cembrowski MS§. (2023). The cell-type-specific organization of the anterior thalamic nuclei of the mouse brain. Revision in review, Cell Reports. [IF: 10.0]
Kinman AI*, Erwin SR*, Merryweather DN*, Campbell RE*, Kraus L*, Sullivan KE*, Elder MW#, Tarik AA#, Wood SC*, Bristow BN*, Kim E#, Daniels W#, Anwer M, Guo C, Cembrowski MS§. (2023). Atypical excitatory neurons of the hippocampus represent novelty and toggle novelty seeking. In revision, Neuron. [IF: 18.6]
Sullivan KE*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Identifying cell-type-specific roles in fear memory” Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, United States.
Sullivan KE*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Identifying cell-type-specific roles in fear memory” Rising Stars in Neuroscience, University of Utah, United States.
Kinman AI*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Visualizing and manipulating an anomalous neuronal cell-type driving spatial and novelty-driven memory in the subiculum”. P.E.O. International Nominee Speaker Series, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Invited speaker.
Swaro A#, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “TBISeq – A Spatial Transcriptomics Atlas of the Mouse Brain Following Traumatic Brain Injury”. School of Biomedical Engineering Synergy Symposium, Vancouver, Canada. Invited speaker.
Kraus L*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Uncovering the cellular-molecular landscape of the rodent and human cortex with single-cell and spatial transcriptomics”. 10x Genomics Mini Symposium, Vancouver, Canada. Invited Speaker.
Kinman AI*, Erwin SE*, Merryweather DN*, Campbell RE*, Kraus L*, Sullivan KE*, Elder M#, Wood S*, Bristow BN*, Kim E#, Daniels W#, Anwer M, Guo C, Cembrowski MS. (2023). Atypical excitatory neurons of the hippocampus represent novelty and toggle novelty seeking. Trainee Professional Development Awards Poster Session, Washington, DC, USA.
Kinman AI*, Erwin SE*, Merryweather DN*, Campbell RE*, Kraus L*, Sullivan KE*, Elder M#, Wood S*, Bristow BN*, Kim E#, Daniels W#, Anwer M, Guo C, Cembrowski MS. (2023). Atypical excitatory neurons of the hippocampus represent novelty and toggle novelty seeking. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
Kapustina M#, Tarik A#, Iyer S*, Kraus L*, Sullivan KE*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). Identifying neocortex L6b neuronal diversity and subpopulations in the mouse and human brain. Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting, Canada.
Merryweather DN*, Erwin SE*, Kinman AI*, Kraus L*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Acetylcholine acts as a cell-type-specific switch for behavioral timescale activity”. Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Erwin SR*, Kinman AI*, Anwer M, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Connectivity and activity correlates of an anomalous excitatory neuron subtype in the subiculum”. Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Kinman AI*, Elder M#, Erwin S*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Optogenetic manipulation and 1- photon calcium imaging of an anomalous pyramidal cell type in the subiculum reveals sustained cellular activity and robust responses to novelty”. Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Bristow BN*, Zhang AA#, Anwer M, Kraus L*, Erwin SR*, Stach T, Wellington C, Cembrowski MS. (2023). Spatial transcriptomics reveals regional, cellular, and molecular dysregulation following traumatic brain injury. Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting, Canada.
Zhang AA#, Tsai JYJ#, Sullivan KE*, Kraus L*, Erwin SR*, Bristow BN*, Wang L, Stach TR, Lemire AL, Cembrowski MS. (2023). The cell-type-specific organization of the anterior thalamic nuclei of the mouse brain. Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting, Canada.
Namchuk AB, Garcia de leon R, Beauchesne RMC, Kwok C, Shahraki N, Ambrose CE, Iyer S*, Zhang AA#, Hodges TE, Cembrowski MS, Galea LAM. (2023). Characterizing neural activity during cognitive bias in male and female offspring from a model of postpartum depression. Organization for the Study of Sex Differences, Canada.
Campbell RE*, Merryweather D*, Elder M#, Bristow BN*, Kraus L*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Unique intrinsic properties shaping the cellular computations of a novel excitatory cell type in the subiculum”. Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting, Canada.
Sullivan KE*, Kinman AI*, Wood SC*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). Identifying unique cell types and molecules involved in fear memory. Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting, Canada, National.
Kraus L*, Bristow BN*, Kinman AI*, Sullivan KE*, Stach TR, Maguire JA, Fatehi M, Redekop GJ, Cembrowski MS. (2023). The cellular-molecular landscape of the living human brain in epilepsy. Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting, Canada.
Swaro A*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “TBISeq – A Spatial Transcriptomics Atlas of the Mouse Brain Following Traumatic Brain Injury”. School of Biomedical Engineering Synergy Symposium, Vancouver, Canada.
Tarik A#, Cembrowski MS. (2023). Layer and cell-type specific differences in the deep neocortex. PATHS to a Cure Research Conference. University of British Columbia, BC, Canada.
Tarik A#, Cembrowski MS. (2023). Layer and cell-type specific differences in the deep neocortex. Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Conference. University of British Columbia, BC, Canada.
Campbell RE*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Cell type specific information processing in the subiculum: how morphology shapes computation”. Cellular and Physiological Sciences Departmental Research Retreat, UBC, Canada.
Bristow BN*, Zhang AA#, Anwer M, Kraus L*, Erwin SE*, Stach T, Wellington C, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Spatial transcriptomics reveals regional, cellular, and molecular dysregulation following traumatic brain injury”. Cellular & Physiological Sciences Research Retreat, UBC, Canada.
Kraus L*, Cembrowski MS. (2023). “Functional and molecular architecture of the epileptic human brain”. Cellular and Physiological Sciences Department Retreat, Vancouver, Canada. Awarded “2nd Best Speed Poster Presentation”
Doroudi, Majid
Keim SA, Harmon DJ, Martindale JR, Lopez EN, Sanky C, Brooks WS, Cotter MM, Davies DL, Doroudi M, Fahl JC, Farias A, Granite G, Harrell KM, Kar R, Kramer KL, Jackson J, Jones S, Lackey-Cornelison W, Laitman JT, Latacha K, Lewis SR, Mork AL, Marzban H, McNary TG, McWhorter DL, Merchant A, Mussell JC, Quinn MM, Royer D, Sakaguchi A, Sawyer FK, Topping DB, Wainman B, Wineski LE, Zumwalt AC, Hankin MH. (2023). Essential anatomy for core clerkships: A clinical perspective. Anatomical Sciences Education, https://doi.org/10.1002/ase.2272
Ashrafzadeh S, Alimohammadi M, Doroudi M. (2023). Anatomical Variations of Pancreatic Duct Pattern: A Cadaveric Study, Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference, UBC.
Li H, Gong M, Holmes J, Doroudi M. (2023). Effectiveness of Virtual Teaching in Anatomical Education: Two Sur vey Studies Focused on the Pharynx and the Nasal & Oral Cavity and the Larynx. Anatomy Connected Conference, Washington.
Gong M, Li H, Holmes J, Doroudi M. (2023). The efficacy of an anatomy video in teaching urinary system in a hybrid approach. Anatomy Connected Conference, Washington.
Holmes J, Gong M, Li H, Doroudi M. (2023). Teaching Gross Anatomy Using a Hybrid Model. Anatomy Connected Conference, Washington.
Yoon C, Hong RH, Doroudi M. (2023). BodySim: An Interactive Virtual Simulator for Clinical Musculoskeletal Anatomy Education. Anatomy Connected Conference, Washington.
Ashrafzadeh S, Alimohammadi M, Doroudi M. (2023). Anatomical Variations of Pancreatic Duct Pattern: A Cadaveric Study, American Association of Clinical Anatomy, UBC, Orlando.
Haas, Kurt
Guerrier C, Dellazizzo Toth T, Galtier N, and Haas K. (2023). An algorithm based on a CableNernst Planck model predicting synaptic activity throughout the dendritic arbor with micron specificity. Neuroinformatics, 21, 207–220. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-022-09609-z
Meyers WM, Hong RJ, Sin WC, Kim CS, and Haas K. (2023). A cell-based assay for rapid assessment of ACE2 catalytic function. Sci Rep 13, 14123. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41389-7
Johnson, James
Taylor AJ, Panzhinskiy E, Orban P, Lynn FC, Schaeffer DS, Johnson JD, Kopp JL, Verchere CB. (2023). Islet amyloid polypeptide does not suppress pancreatic cancer. Molecular Metabolism 68, 10166; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molmet.2023.101667. IF8.5
Brownrigg GP, Xia YH, Chu CMJ, Wang S, Chao C, Zhang JA, Skovsø S, Panzhinskiy E, Hu X, Johnson JD†, Rideout EJ†. (2023). Sex differences in islet stress responses support female beta cell resilience. Molecular Metabolism. 69, 101678; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molmet.2023.101678. *co-corresponding authors. IF8.5/C9. The most comprehensive comparison of male and female islets, from mice and humans.
Leung CLK, Karunakaran S, Atser MG, Innala L, Hu X, Viau V, Johnson JD†, Clee SM. (2023). Analysis of a genetic region affecting mouse body weight. Physiological Genomics. Accepted Jan 27, 2023. 55 (3), 132-146 https://doi.org/10.1152/physiolgenomics.00137.2022. IF4.2/C1
Hall LG, Thyfault JP, Johnson JD†. (2023). Exercise and inactivity as modifiers of beta cell function and type 2 diabetes risk. Journal of Applied Physiology. 823-839 https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.00472.2022. IF3.5/
Littlejohn PT, Bar-Yoseph H, Edwards K, Li H, Ramirez-Contreras CY, Holani R, Metcalfe-Roach A, Fan YM, Yang TM-S, Hu X, Johnson JD, Finlay B. (2023). Multiple micronutrient deficiencies alter energy metabolism in host and gut microbiome in an early-life murine model. Frontiers in Nutrition. IF5/
Zhang AMY, Xia YH, Lin JSH, Chu KH, Ruiter TJJ, Yang JCC, Chen N, Chhuor J, Patil S, Cen HH, Rideout EJ, Richard VR, Schaeffer DF, Zahedi RP, Borchers CH, Johnson JD†, Kopp JL†. (2023). Hyperinsulinemia acts through acinar cell insulin receptors to drive obesity-associated pancreatic cancer initiation by promoting digestive enzyme production and inflammation. Cell Metabolism. Accepted June 29, 2023. Online Oct 30, 2023. †co-corresponding authors. IF31/. First in vivo demonstration that hyperinsulinemia acts directly on the cell of origin to drive cancer initiation. Garnered worldwide media attention.
Castillo-Castrejon M, Mensah Sankofi B, Johnson Murguia S, Udeme A, Cen HH, Xia YH, Thomas NS, Berry W, Jones KL, Richard VR, Zahedi RP, Borchers CH, Johnson JD, Wellberg EA. (2023). FGF1 supports glycolytic metabolism through the estrogen receptor in end
Ewald J, Zhou G, Lu Y, Kolic J, Ellis C, Johnson JD, Macdonald PE, Xia J. (2023). Web-based multi-omics integration using the analyst software suite. Nature Protocols. In Press. IF14.8/Cocrine-resistant and obesity-associated breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research. Aug 16, 2023. p:99. IF6.5/C2
Falkenhain K, Oliveira B, Islam H, Neudorf H, Cen HH, Johnson JD, Madden K, Singer J, Walsh J, Little J. (2023). The effect of acute and 14-day exogenous ketone supplementation on glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes: Two randomized controlled trials. American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism. In Press. Accepted Oct 30, 2023. IF5.1
Kolic J, Sun G, James D Johnson JD, Guess N. (2023). Amino acid-stimulated insulin secretion: A path forward in type 2 diabetes. Amino acids. Accepted Nov 12, 2023. In press.
Overby P1, Provenzano S1, Nahirney NS1, Dai X-Q2, Sun WG1, Xia YH1, Zhang JA1, Cen H1, Skovsø S1, Kolic J1, MacDonald PE2, Johnson JD1*. (2023). Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of Scn9a protects beta-cells while reducing insulin secretion in type 1 diabetes. Biorxiv.
Kolic J, Sun WG, Cen H, Ewald J, Beet L, Moravcova R, Rogalski JC, Sasaki S, Sun H, Rajesh V, Xia YH, Skovsø S, Spigelman AF, Fox JEM, Lyon J, Xia J, Lynn FC, Gloyn AL, Foster LJ, MacDonald PE, Johnson JD†. (2023). Proteomic predictors of individualized nutrient-specific insulin secretion in health and disease. Medrxiv.
Overby P1, Provenzano S1, Nahirney NS1, Dai X-Q2, Sun WG1, Xia YH1, Zhang JA1, Cen H1, Skovsø S1, Kolic J1, MacDonald PE2, Johnson JD1*. (2023). Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of Scn9a protects beta-cells while reducing insulin secretion in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes. Revisions requested Aug 2023.
Kolic J, Sun WG, Cen H, Ewald J, Beet L, Moravcova R, Rogalski JC, Sasaki S, Sun H, Rajesh V, Xia YH, Skovsø S, Spigelman AF, Fox JEM, Lyon J, Xia J, Lynn FC, Gloyn AL, Foster LJ, MacDonald PE, Johnson JD†. (2023). Proteomic predictors of individualized nutrient-specific insulin secretion in health and disease. Cell Metabolism. Positively reviewed with minor revisions requested.
Kieffer, Tim
Saber N, Ellis CE, Iworima DG, Baker RK, Rezania A, Kieffer TJ. (2023). The impact of different implantation sites and sex on the differentiation of human pancreatic endoderm cells into insulin-secreting cells in vivo. Diabetes. 2023 May 1;72(5):590-598. doi: 10.2337/db22-0692
Braam MJS, Zhao J, Liang S, Ida S, Kloostra NK, Iworima DG, Tang M, Baker RK, Quiskamp N, Piret JM, Kieffer TJ. (2023). Protocol development to further differentiate and transition stem cell-derived pancreatic progenitors from a monolayer into endocrine cells in suspension culture. Sci Rep. 2023 Jun 1;13(1):8877. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-35716-1.
Liang S, Zhao J, Baker RK, Tran E, Zhan L, Kieffer TJ. (2023). Differentiation of stem cell-derived pancreatic progenitors into insulin-secreting islet clusters in a multiwell-based static 3D culture system. Cell Rep Methods. 2023 May 5;3(5):100466. doi: 10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.100466.
Zhao J, Liang S, Braam MJS, Baker RK, Iworima DG, Quiskamp N, Kieffer TJ. (2023). Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells into Insulin-Producing Islet Clusters. J Vis Exp. 2023 Jun 23;(196). doi: 10.3791/64840.
Ellis CE, Mojibian M, Ida S, Fung VCW, Skovsø S, McIver E, O’Dwyer S, Webber TD, Braam MJS, Saber N, Sasaki S, Lynn FC, Kieffer TJ, Levings MK. (2023). Human A2-CAR T cells reject HLA-A2+ human islets transplanted into mice without inducing graft-versus-host disease. Transplantation. 2023 Sep 1;107(9):e222-e233. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000004709.
Ramzy A, Saber N, Bruin JE, Thompson DM, Kim PT, Warnock GL, Kieffer TJ. (2023). Thyroid hormone levels correlate with the maturation of implanted pancreatic endoderm cells in patients with type 1 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023 Sep 6:dgad499. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgad499. (Online ahead of print).
Keymeulen B, De Groot K, Jacobs-Tulleneers-Thevissen D, Thompson DM, Bellin MD, Kroon EJ, Daniels M, Wang R, Jaiman M, Kieffer TJ, Foyt HL, Pipeleers D. (2023). Encapsulated stem cell-derived β cells exert glucose control in patients with type 1 diabetes. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 Nov 27. doi: 10.1038/s41587-023-02055-5. (Online ahead of print).
Iworima DG, Baker RK, Piret JM, Kieffer TJ. (2023). Analysis of the effects of bench-scale cell culture platforms and inoculum cell concentrations on PSC aggregate formation and culture. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2023 Dec 1:11:1267007. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2023.1267007.
Kopp, Janel
Taylor AJ, Panzhinski E, Orban PC, Lynn FC, Schaeffer DF, Johnson JD, Kopp JL, Verchere CB. (2023). Islet amyloid polypeptide does not suppress pancreatic cancer. Molec Metab 2023; 68:101667.
Magenheim J, Maestro MA, Rovira M, Sharon N, Murtaugh LC, Kopp JL, Sander M, Gu G, Melton DA, Ferrer J, Dor Y. (2023). No evidence that pancreatic beta-cells are derived from adult ductal Neurog3-expressing progenitors. Cell Stem Cell 2023; 30:488-497.
*Wang S*, Dong X*, Maazi M#, Chen N#, Mahil A#, Kopp JL. (2023). GABA treatment does not induce neogenesis of new endocrine cells from pancreatic ductal cells. Islets 2023; 15(1).
Tixi W, Maldonado M, Chang Y-T, Chiu A, Yeung W, Parveen N, Nelson MS, Hart R, Wang S*, Hsu WJ#, Fueger P, Kopp JL, Huising MO, Dhawan S, Shih H-S. (2023). Coordination between ECM and cell-cell adhesion regulates the development of islet aggregation, architecture, and functional maturation. eLife 2023; 12:e90006.
*Zhang AMY*, Xia Y, Lin JSH*, Chu KH*, Wang WCK#, Ruiter TJJ*, Yang JCC, Chen N#, Chhuor J#, Patil S*, Cen HH, Rideout EJ, Richard VR, Schaeffer DF, Zahedi RP, Borchers CH, Johnson JD§, Kopp JL§. (2023). Hyperinsulinemia acts via acinar insulin receptors to drive obesity-associated pancreatic cancer initiation by promoting digestive enzyme production and inflammation. Cell Metabolism 2023; 35(12): P2119-2135.E5.
Saeki K, Patil S*, Sun Y, Su GH, Kopp JL. (2023). Acvr1b loss promotes formation of precancerous lesions from acinar and ductal cells of origin. In revision at Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol since June 30, 2023. Submitted to Biorxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.08.544226.
Zhang AMY*, Xia Y, Lin JSH*, Chu KH*, Wang WCK#, Ruiter TJJ*, Yang JCC, Chen N#, Chhuor J#, Patil S*, Cen HH, Rideout EJ, Richard VR, Schaeffer DF, Zahedi RP, Borchers CH, Johnson JD, Kopp JL. (2023). “Hyperinsulinemia acts via acinar insulin receptors to drive obesity-associated pancreatic cancer initiation by promoting digestive enzyme production and inflammation.” Gordon Conferences Pancreatic Diseases, Lucca, Italy.
Krebs, Claudia
Cornwall J, Krebs C, Hildebrandt S, Gregory J, Pennefather P. (2023). Considerations on the use of Artificial Intelligence in generating anatomical images: Comment on ‘Evaluating AI-powered text-to-image generators for anatomical illustration: A comparative study. Anat Sci Educ 2023 Nov 2. doi: 10.1002/ase.2347. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37919840.
Keymanesh S, Dixit I, Saraco AN, Krebs C. (2023). Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Informed Dissection of Human White Matter Tracts to Create Three-Dimensional Computer-Generated Models. Anatomy Connected
Alkhammash L, Lo E, Tian D, Dixit I, Jeon S, Lin T, Shao A, Liu E, Zhang S, Li J, Kvaale A, Sidharth A, Pennefather P, Palombo D, Code J, Krebs C. (2023). “Comparing the Student Journey in Physical and Virtual Anatomy Labs”. Anatomy Connected
Van Schaardenburgh M, Dahl Vonen H, Sagredo-Thackwell S, Grøndalen A, Simpson MR, Krebs C. (2023). Formative Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in Anatomy with the Use of the Vancouver Virtual Reality App (VanVRapp). Anatomy Connected
Saraco AN, Wainman B, Krebs C. (2023). “Cheating” to Academic Success: Can Knowledge of Kolb’s Cycle and a Cheat Sheet Improve Educational Outcomes for Biomedical Engineering Students Studying Anatomy. Anatomy Connected
Lo B, Oyedele O, Krebs C. (2023). “The Podcast Really Helped Bring the Human-ness Back”: The Role of Podcasts in Reimagining Anatomy Education. Anatomy Connected
Ling DS, Goes Schaurich C, Dixit I, Krebs C. (2023). Transtentorial Herniation from a Rare Tentorial Incisura Defect: A Case Report for Clinical and Neuroanatomical Education. Anatomy Connected
Goes Schaurich C, Steinbok P, Tamber M, Krebs C, Oruganti M, Haetinger RG. (2023). Developmental Anatomy of the Pediatric Skull Based on Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography. Anatomy Connected
Liu, Ken
Martin A, Liu K, Alimohammadi M. (2023). The ligamentum mucosum’s potential as a preventative structure in the development of knee osteoarthritis. J Exp Orthop. 10(1); 109
Mason, Barry
Oral Presentation. (2023). Simulating ‘Real Life’: An integrated Approach to Preparing Students For Transition to Clerkship
Mason B, Floyd ES, Beine K, Posada ST, Cooper D, Bowen JL. (2023). WGEA/WGSA/WOSR Collaborative Spring Conference, Honolulu, HI.
Nabi, Robert
Cardoen B*, Vandervoode K*, Gao G*, Alan P, Liu W, Tikalou E, Vogl AW, Hamarneh G#, Nabi IR#. (2023). Membrane contact site detection (MCS-DETECT) reveals dual control of rough mitochondria-ER contacts. J Cell Biol. 2024 Jan 1;223(1):e202206109.
Cardoen B, Ben Yedder H, Lee S, Nabi IR, Hamarneh G. (2023). DataCurator.jl: efficient, portable and reproducible validation, curation and transformation of large heterogeneous datasets using human-readable recipes compiled into machine-verifiable templates. Bioinform Adv. 2023 Jun 1;3(1):vbad068. doi: 10.1093/bioadv/vbad068. eCollection 2023.
Pérez-Vargas J, Shapira T, Olmstead AD, Villanueva I, Thompson CAH, Ennis S, Gao G, De Guzman J, Williams DE, Wang M, Chin A, Bautista-Sánchez D, Agafitei O, Levett P, Xie X, Nuzzo G, Freire VF, Quintana-Bulla JI, Bernardi DI, Gubiani JR, Suthiphasilp V, Raksat A, Meesakul P, Polbuppha I, Cheenpracha S, Jaidee W, Kanokmedhakul K, Yenjai C, Chaiyosang B, Teles HL, Manzo E, Fontana A, Leduc R, Boudreault PL, Berlinck RGS, Laphookhieo S, Kanokmedhakul S, Tietjen I, Cherkasov A, Krajden M, Nabi IR, Niikura M, Shi PY, Andersen RJ, Jean F. (2023). Discovery of lead natural products for developing pan-SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics. Antiviral Res. 2023 209:105484.
O’Connor, Timothy
Vaikakkara Chithran A, Allan DW, O’Connor TP. (2023). Adult expression of Semaphorins and Plexins is essential for motor neuron survival. Sci Rep.;13(1):5894. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-32943-4.
Oyedele, Olusegun
Lo B, Oyedele O, and Krebs C. (2023). “The podcast really helped bring the human-ness back”: The role of podcasts in reimagining anatomy education [Poster presentation]. Anatomy Connected 2023, Washington, D.C., USA.
Oyedele O, Cassidy K, Kitchin V, and Hussein A. (2023). Biomedical visualization in embryology education: A scoping review. In Shapiro, L. (Ed.), Graphic medicine, humanizing healthcare and novel approaches in anatomical education (pp. 109-130). Biomedical visualization (Vol. 3). Springer. htps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-39035-7_6
Pinder, Karen
Tsang R, and Pinder K. (2023). The #Tweetorial: an Underutilized Teaching Tool in Undergraduate Medical Education?. Medical Science Educator. 33:583 – 587.
Histology Colouring Book featured on the cover of the March/April 2023 publication of the journal Anatomical Sciences Education. Volume 15, Issue 2.
Teng M, Parvand M, Pinder K, Yule H, Mui A, Damani K, Yee A, Hanes J, Jarus T. (2023). Improving Accessibility Training in Medical Curriculum: A Needs Assessment. CHES Medical Education Day.
Rideout, Elizabeth
Brownrigg GP*, Xia YH#, Chu MJ, Wang S, Chao CF*, Zhang JA, Skovso S, Panzhinskiy E, Hu X, Johnson JD§, Rideout EJ§. (2023). Sex differences in islet stress responses support female beta cell resilience. Molecular Metabolism. 69, 101678.
Zhang AMY, Xia YH#, Lin JSH, Chu KH, Ruiter TJJ, Yang JCC, Chen N, Chhuor J, Patil S, Cen HH, Rideout EJ, Richard VR, Schaeffer DF, Zahedi RP, Borchers CH, Johnson JD, Kopp JL. (2023). Effects of hyperinsulinemia on pancreatic cancer development and the immune microenvironment revealed through single-cell transcriptomics. Cell Metabolism. 35, 2119-2135.
Chao CF*, Pesch YY, Yu H, Wang C, Aristizabal M, Huan T, Tanentzapf G, Rideout EJ. (2023). An important role for triglyceride in regulating spermatogenesis. eLife. 12, RP87523.
Fleck SA, Biswas P*, DeWitt ED, Knuteson RL, Eisman RC, Nemkov T, D’Alessandro A, Tennessen JM, Rideout EJ, Weaver LN. (2023). Auxin exposure disrupts feeding behavior and fatty acid metabolism in adult Drosophila. eLife. 12, RP91953.
Stankiewicz LN, Salim K, Flaschner EA, Wang YX, Edgar JM, Lin BZ, Bingham GC, Major MC, Jones RD, Blau HM, Rideout EJ, Levings MK, Zandstra PW, Rossi FM. (2023). Sex biased human thymic architecture guides T cell development through spatially defined niches. bioRxiv (revisions requested at Developmental Cell). doi: 10.1101/2023.04.13.536804
Cherian C*, Reeves H#, Da Silva D#, Tsao S#, Marshall KE, Rideout EJ. (2023). Consideration of sex as a biological variable in diabetes research across twenty years. bioRxiv (revisions requested at Biology of Sex Differences). doi: 10.1101/2023.06.13.544882
Yu H, Biswas P*, Rideout EJ, Cao Y, Huan T. (2023). Bayesian optimization of separation gradients to maximize the performance of untargeted LC-MS. bioRxiv (currently revising to resubmit to another journal). doi: 10.1101/2023.09.08.556930
Roskelley, Calvin
Brassard J, Hughes MR, Dean P, Hernaez DC, Thornton S, Banville AC, Smazynski J, Warren M, Zhang K, Milne K, Gilks CB, Mes-Masson AM, Huntsman DG, Nelson BH, Roskelley CD, McNagny KM. (2023). A tumor-restricted glycoform of podocalyxin is a highly selective marker of immunologically cold high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Front Oncol.;13:1286754.
Tanentzapf, Guy
Haage A, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Analysis of Integrin-Dependent Melanoblast Migration During Development. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2608:207-221. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2887-4_13.
Ho KYL, Carr RL, Dvoskin AD, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Kinetics of blood cell differentiation during hematopoiesis revealed by quantitative long-term live imaging. eLife* 31:12:e84085. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84085.
Ho KYL, An K, Carr RL, Dvoskin AD, Ou AYJ, Vogl W, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell niche homeostasis requires gap junction-mediated calcium signaling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 120(45):e2303018120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2303018120. Epub
Deng W*, Carr R, Kaul R, Pavlova-Deb M, Haage A, Roca-Cusachs P, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Different Types of Direct Talin-Actin Binding Play Specific Roles in Cell-ECM Adhesion During Mammalian Development. 2023 Fibronectin, Integrins and Related Molecules Gordon Research Seminar. Ventura, CA, USA. (Talk & Poster).
Deng W*, Carr R, Kaul R, Pavlova-Deb M, Haage A, Roca-Cusachs P, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Different Types of Direct Talin-Actin Binding Play Specific Roles in Cell-ECM Adhesion During Mammalian Development. 2023 Fibronectin, Integrins and Related Molecules Gordon Research Conference. Ventura, CA, USA. (Talk & Poster).
Deng W*, Carr R, Kaul R, Pavlova-Deb M, Haage A, Roca-Cusachs P, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Different Types of Direct Talin-Actin Binding Play Specific Roles in Cell-ECM Adhesion During Mammalian Development. 56th Northwest Developmental Biology Meeting. Friday Harbor, WA, USA. (Poster).
Deng W*, Carr R, Kaul R, Pavlova-Deb M, Haage A, Roca-Cusachs P, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Different Types of Direct Talin-Actin Binding Play Specific Roles in Cell-ECM Adhesion During Mammalian Development. Cell Bio 2023-An ASCB|EMBO Meeting. Boston, MA, USA. (Minisymposium talk & poster).
Venkatesh B*, Haage A, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Integrin activation by talin regulates mammalian development. 2023 Fibronectin, Integrins and Related Molecules Conference, Ventura, California, USA (Poster).
Venkatesh B*, Haage A, Tanentzapf G. (2023). Integrin activation by talin regulates mammalian development. Northwest Developmental Biology Meeting 2023, Friday Harbor, Washington, USA. (Poster).
Underhill, Michael
Arostegui M, Scott RW, and Underhill TM**. (2023). Hic1 identifies a specialized mesenchymal progenitor population in the embryonic limb responsible for bone superstructure formation. Cell Reports 42:112325
Ferrie L, Premnath P, Olsen A, Larijani L, Besler BA, Rancourt DE, Duncan NA, Underhill TM, and Krawetz RJ. (2023). Exogenously delivered iPSCs disrupt the natural repair response of endogenous MPCs after bone injury. Scientific Reports Jun 913: 9378
Lotto J, Cullum R, Drisller S, Arostegui M, Garside VC, Fuglerud BM, Clement-Ranney M, Thakur A, Underhill TM, Hoodless PA. (2023). Cell diversity and plasticity during atrioventricular heart valve EMTs. Nature Comm. 14(1):5567
Wang Y, Chen SY, Ta M, Senz J, Tao LV, Thornton S, Tamvada N, Yang W, Moscovitz Y, Li E, Guo J, Shen C, Douglas EM, El-Naggar AM, Kommoss FKF, Underhill TM, Singh N, Gilks CB, Morin GB, and Huntsman. (2023). Bi-allelic Dicer1 mutations in the gynecologic tract of mice drive lineage-specific development of DICER1 syndrome associated cancer. Cancer Res July26: CAN-22-3620
Benabdallah NS, Dalal V, Scott RW, Marcous F, Sotiriou A, Kommoss FKF, Pejkovska A, Gaspar L, Wagner L, Sanchez-Rivera FJ, Ta M, Thornton S, Nielsen TO, Underhill TM, and Banito A. (2023). Aberrant gene activation in synovial sarcoma relies on SSX specificity and increased PRC1.1 stability. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 30(11): 1640-1652.
Viau, Victor
Leung C, Karunakaran S, Atser M, Innala L, Hu X, Viau V, Johnson J, Clee S. (2023). Analysis of a genetic region affecting mouse body weight. Physiological Genomics 155: 132-146. CA (IF 4.08)
Toews JNC, Philippe TJ, Dordevic M, Hill LA, Hammond GL, Viau V. (2023). Corticosteroid-binding globulin (SERPINA6) consolidates sexual dimorphism of adult rat liver Endocrinology 165: 1-12. CA (IF 4.80)
Weidberg, Hilla
Balzarini M, Yuan Z, and Weidberg H. (2023). MitoStores: a place for precursors to ride out the storm. The EMBO Journal 42 (7) e113576.
Kim J, Goldstein M, Zecchel L, and Weidberg H. (2023). ATAD1 and the integrated stress response prevent clogging of TOM and damage caused by un-imported mitochondrial proteins. bioRxiv, 2023.09. 06.556408.
West, Christopher
Shafer BM, Nardone M, Incognito AV, Vermeulen TD, Teixeira AL, Millar PJ, Sheel AW, West CR, Ayas N, and Foster GE. (2023). Acute hypoxia elicits lasting reductions in the sympathetic action potential transduction of arterial blood pressure in males. The Journal of physiology, 601(3), 669–687.
Shwed A, Giroux EE, Hoekstra F, McKay RC, Schaefer L, West CR, McPhail LT, Sibley KM, McBride CB, Munro B, Kaiser A, SCI Guiding Principles Consensus Panel, and Gainforth HL. (2023). Supporting meaningful research partnerships: an interview study applying behavior change theory to develop relevant recommendations for researchers. Translational behavioral medicine, 13(11), 833–844.
Jia A, Kuramoto L, Warner FM, Liu L, Williams AM, Conklin A, West CR*, and Cragg JJ*. (2023). Sex differences in heart disease prevalence among individuals with spinal cord injury: A population-based study. The journal of spinal cord medicine, 1–7. Advance online publication.
West CR*, Ahmadian M, Erskine E, Wainman L, Duffy J, Stewart L, Mueller P. (2023). Experimental high-thoracic spinal cord injury reduces splanchnic sympathetic nerve activity and is associated with persistent hypotension. Physiology, 38(S1), 5733707. doi:10.1152/physiol.2023.38.S1.5733707. Presented at APS Summit 2023
Duffy J, Hoiland R, Wearing O, Erskine E, Kwon B, and West CR*. (2023). Cardio-centric hemodynamic management with and without adjuvant ethyl nitrite improves mean arterial pressure in rodents with chronic high-thoracic traumatic spinal cord injury. Physiology, 38(S1), 5734885. doi: 10.1152/physiol.2023.38.S1.5734885. Presented at APS Summit 2023
Wearing O, and West CR*. (2023). Beat-by-beat volume calibration refines pressure-volume derived indices of left ventricular function in the rat. Physiology, 38(S1), 5795626. doi: 10.1152/physiol.2023.38.S1.5795626. Presented at APS Summit 2023
Yule, Heather
Donkin R, Yule HN, and Fyfe T. (2023). Online case-based learning in medical education: a scoping review, BMC Medical Education, 23, 564 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-023-04520-w
Donkin R, Yule HN, and Fyfe T. (2023). Online Case-Based Learning in Medical Education, ANZAHPE, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Pylypchuck O, and Yule HN. (2023). A topic update on birth plans in labour management and obstetrical outcomes, UBC Journal of Family Practice Research and Scholarship.
Johnson A. (2023). Hand grip strength as an objective, office-based tool to assess cardiovascular and all-cause mortality risk, UBC Journal of Family Practice Research and Scholarship.
Noble S, and Yule HN. (2023). Cutting the Sweets for a Happy Liver: The Effect of Reduced Dietary Sucrose on NAFLD, UBC Journal of Family Practice Research and Scholarship.
Shea S. (2023). Program evaluation of in person vs virtual Academic Half Day within a distributed residency program, UBC Journal of Family Practice Research and Scholarship.
Jakab M, Rafo N, and Yule HN. (2023). What I have learned: A reflection of the first two years of life and residency, UBC Journal of Family Practice Research and Scholarship.
Gummeson H, and Yule HN. (2023). Safety First: A Topic Update on COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy, UBC Journal of Family Practice Research and Scholarship.
Roberts A, Gaul K, Wilson R, and Yule HN. (2023). Exercise as Medicine: Evaluation of the exercise prescription curriculum of the UBC Faculty of Medicine MD Undergrad Program, UBC Journal of Family Practice Research and Scholarship. *Strathcona Scholar Day – Room Prize
Buckely A, Racey S, and Yule HN. (2023). Seeking Satisfaction, UBC Journal of Family Practice Research and Scholarship. *Strathcona Scholar Day – Room Prize