Carol-Ann Courneya
Associate Professor Emerita
PhD Physiology, UBC, 1987
MSc Physiology, University of Western Ontario, 1983
BSc (Hons) Human Kinetics, Guelph University, 1981
Email: courneya@mail.ubc.ca
Office: 604-822-8245
My research is in Medical Education. I study the link between Arts and Humanities and learning in medical training and beyond. In addition, I have examined the role for art-making in shaping wellness and professional identity in medical students. I am also studying the role of elective selection and it’s link to Residency match success. My previous research interests have included Faculty Development, Admissions and International Medical Education. I have ongoing scholarly connections with Patan Academy of Health Sciences in Kathmandu Nepal.
Courneya CA, Cox SM. Visual Note Taking for Medical Students in the Age of Instagram. Health Professions Education. 2020 Feb 5.
Courneya CA, Cheung WY, McMillan J. High dives and parallel plans: relationships between medical student elective strategies and residency match outcomes. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2019 Aug 4.
Courneya CA. Heartfelt images: learning cardiac science artistically. Medical Humanities. 2018 Mar 1;44(1):20-7
Courneya CA, Cujec B, Joshi M, Dhital MR. My heart, my art: A novel Nepali medical student art project and the link to learning. learning. 2017;4:8.
Cox, S. P. Brett MacLean and C.A. Courneya. 2015. My Turbinado Sugar: Art-making, well-being and professional identity in medical education. Arts and Health (in press). DOI:10.1080/17533015.2015.1037318
Dunne, D., A. Geppert and C.A. Courneya. 2013. Idealism is not enough: designing peace into medical education. Leadership in Health Services, Vol. 26 (4) 294–311.
Reiter, H.I., J. Jockyer, B. Ziola, C.A. Courneya, and K. Eva, 2012. Should efforts in favor of medical student diversity be focused during admissions or farther upstream? Academic Medicine 87 (4) 443-448.
Courneya, C.A. 2012. Medical Doodles: 30 minutes a day well spent. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 184(12) 1395-96.
Courneya, C.A. 2011. On teaching confidence and creativity. Medical Education 45: 1070-1071.
Jarvie, A.L., J. Waechter, L. Matzke, M. Allard, and C.A. Courneya, 2011 The Clinical presentation and diagnosis of primary cardiac amyloidosis. UBC Medical Journal 2(2) 38-41.
Courneya, C.A. 2010 Teaching socially responsible Medicine In the Himalayas: A lofty Pursuit. UBC Medical Journal. 1(2) 32.
Courneya, C.A. 2009 Heartfelt Images. University of Alberta’s Health Sciences Journal 5(1): 13-17.
Further publications can be found here.
Courneya, C.A. 2006. Departmental seminars: educational or adversarial. Proceedings of International Association of Medical Science Educators.
Courneya, C.A., J. Colins, D. Pratt. 2006. Is your approach to peer review of teaching equitable and valid? Proceedings of International Association of Medical Science Educators.
Courneya, C.A., M. Fabian, and G. Pachev. 2007. Medical admissions panel interview at UBC: prediction of second year performance in the program. Proceedings of Canadian Association for Medical Education.
Courneya, C.A., M. Fabian, and G. Pachev. 2008. Medical admissions panel interview at UBC: prediction of third year performance in the program. Proceedings of Canadian Association for Medical Education.
Courneya, C.A., and M.C. Fabian and G. Pavhev. 2009. Multiple mini interview: northern station predictive validity. Proceedings of Canadian Association for Medical Education.
Courneya, C.A., S. de leeuw and J. Gair. 2010. Raiders of the lost Art: using photography and mask making to teach the science of medicine. Proceedings of Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
Randahawa, N., C. Krebs, and C.A. Courneya. 2011. Thinking and learning artistically. Proceedings of Creating Spaces I Symposium.
Brett-Maclean, M. Deon, and C.A. Courneya. 2011. The Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences in Medicine (AHSSM) Educational Interest Group (EIG): Promoting awareness and dialogue about the medical humanities in Canada. Proceedings of Canadian Association for Medical Education.
Courneya, C.A., and R. Woollard. 2011. International Faculty Development for Peace-building. Proceedings for International Faculty Development Conference.
Courneya, C.A., B. Cujec and J.Waechter. 2012. Developing and Delivering Medical Curricula Internationally: Lessons learned. Proceedings of Canadian Association for Medical Education.
Courneya, C.A., S. Cox, P. Brett-Maclean. White Coat Warm Art: Art-making, well being and professional identity in Medicine. Proceedings of International Conference in Health Care.
Cox, S., C.A. Courneya, P. Brett-Maclean and P. Grasseau. 2013. White Coat, Warm Art: Challenges in analyzing visual art and its role in well-being for medical students and practitioners. Proceedings of Culture, Health and Wellbeing Conference.